EMS Press publishes all journals open access in 2024, with a blend of S2O and Diamond models.
EMS Press is delighted to announce that all 22 journals in its Subscribe To Open (S2O) programme will be published as open access for the 2024 subscription period. This means that for the first time the Press’s annual journal output will be entirely open access, with a blend of S2O and Diamond publications.
The following journals have met the Press’s criteria for sustainable publication and will publish all 2024 issues open access under a CC-BY licence:
- Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C
- Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
- Elemente der Mathematik
- EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences
- Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
- Interfaces and Free Boundaries
- Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
- Journal of Fractal Geometry
- Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
- Journal of Spectral Theory
- Journal of the European Mathematical Society
- L’Enseignement Mathématique
- Mathematical Statistics and Learning
- Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society
- Portugaliae Mathematica
- Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- Quantum Topology
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
- Rendiconti Lincei – Matematica e Applicazioni
- Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
- Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
André Gaul, CEO, comments “to be able to transform the publishing house from a traditional subscription journals business to a fully open access one in under 5 years is a tremendous success for the whole team, and a real win for the wider mathematical community. Year after year we see strong support from our subscriber base for this approach, and as the significant drawbacks of article processing charges [APCs] are brought to the fore, we are confident in our approach to deliver a fair and equitable future for open access mathematics.”
EMS Press once again utilised its unique “solidarity model” which distributes shared package revenues to support titles with lower incomes, thus allowing them to achieve their sustainability thresholds. The team will then work to make these titles independently sustainable in future years. The model has been updated for the 2024 calculation to allow flexible packages – a revised version can be accessed here.
Details of the 2025 S2O round will be announced later this year. In the meantime we encourage libraries, consortia, funders and other national groups to get in touch if they would like to hear more about how they can proactively support the S2O initiative.
Download a PDF of this announcement.