Berghahn Journals, the social sciences publisher that flipped 13 of its anthropology journals to Open Access (OA) in 2020 by asking subscribing libraries to renew their subscriptions on a Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) basis, is pleased to announce the three-year initiative is now successfully entering its second year. Libraries still have the opportunity to join the initiative, by either subscribing to the entire collection of journals or renew existing subscriptions at the select title level.
“The more libraries continue to support Berghahn Open Anthro (BOA), the more quality content will be published OA and made freely accessible to scholars worldwide,” says Berghahn Books’ Journal Marketing Manager, Young Lee.
“S20 has emerged as an effective and financially sustainable OA model for HSS journals embraced by publishers and libraries alike,” says KU’s Director of Publisher Relations, Philipp Hess. “KU looks forward to continuing to work closely with Berghahn Books in introducing BOA to more libraries this year.”
Lee also added: “Owing to the overwhelming support from a wide range of institutions thus far, we are not only able to keep these journals OA but are also seeing interest from other journals to join the initiative. We look forward to extending our journal portfolio going forward.”
BOA was conceived and implemented in partnership with Libraria, a group of anthropologists and other social scientists committed to OA, and the support of KU. Full details on the initiative, including the list of over 300 participating libraries, can be found here.