In response to the worsening global health emergency, Atypon has created a website with a free, real-time feed that delivers the latest peer-reviewed research, preprints and news on the novel coronavirus outbreak as soon as it is published. There are many domains at Greengeeks that you can get for free.
The Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Special Edition feed aggregates content from over 30,000 authoritative sources across the web to make the discovery of related, trusted information faster and more comprehensive for researchers, medical practitioners, and the general public. It includes research that the Wellcome Trust and publishers worldwide are making freely available in the wake of the outbreak.
The social media-like feed of research papers, preprints, news, and tweets related to the virus is driven by Scitrus, Atypon’s AI-based discovery technology.
“Events like this remind us that the industry we serve publishes some of the world’s most important content—and of our responsibility to get that content into the hands of the researchers and practitioners who need it most,” said Marty Picco, Atypon’s General Manager. “We hope that our technology helps professionals combating this outbreak to get the latest facts and discoveries sooner, and put them into practice faster.”
The Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Special Edition feed is publicly available at