As part of Peter Lang’s ongoing commitment to Open Access in academic publishing, the publisher today announced plans to transition eleven of its subscription-based scholarly journals to full open access. Free online access to articles from these journals will be available on the new Open Access platform IngentaOpen, starting with each journal’s first issue of 2018. All content will continue to undergo a robust peer review process. A liberal CC-BY license will be applied to published articles, unless otherwise requested by authors.
The journals taking part in this initiative are:
- Mediaevistik
- International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology
- Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik
- Jahrbuch für Pädagogik
- Literatur für Leser
- Pädagogische Rundschau
- Philology
- Spiel – Neue Folge. Eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur
- Variations
- Zeitschrift für Germanistik
- Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte
These developments follow the announcement of two pure Open Access journals, newly published by Peter Lang: «Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation» (first issue: 2017) and «Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education» (first issue: 2018).
Kelly Shergill, CEO of Peter Lang, says: «At Peter Lang, we believe that Open Access is the future of academic and scientific publishing and we are very pleased to be driving the growth of our Open Access portfolio. The transition of subscription journals into an Open Access publishing model is another step ahead and we are confident that all parties will benefit from having this research openly available.»
University distinguished Prof. Dr. Albrecht Classen, editor-in-chief of the journal Mediaevistik adds: «It is a huge benefit for a journal to be transferred to Open Access. Especially in interdisciplinary fields like Medieval Studies, Open Access ensures that all researchers globally have access to valuable articles and book reviews.»
Next to its Open Access journals, Peter Lang offers business models for Open Access monographs and has already published a wide range of titles in different subject areas.