EBSCO Information Services Expands eBook Offerings with 27 New Subject Sets

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) continues to enhance its collection of eBook titles by releasing 27 new EBSCO eBooks™ Subject Sets. These sets provide libraries with convenient ways to begin or expand their eBook collections with current, reputable content from leading publishers.

EBSCO eBook Subject Sets are convenient, prepackaged sets of titles chosen to meet libraries’ needs for new content on popular, in-demand topics. EBSCO’s Collection Development Team of librarians uses tailored knowledge to create these Subject Sets for libraries. All Subject Sets from EBSCO include titles published within the past two years, and have no title duplication among current or past Subject Set offerings.

The 27 new Subject Sets now available include:

Accounting & Finance
American Contemporary Issues
Biology & Life Sciences
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Earth Sciences
Emergency Management
Energy & Green Technologies
Fine Arts
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Healthcare Knowledge Management
Leadership & Management
Literary Criticism & Writing
Mechanical Engineering
Natural & Alternative Medicine
Networking & Security
Religious Studies
Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy
Teacher Resources K-8
World History

EBSCO eBooks offers over 700,000 e-books and audiobooks. EBSCO proactively acquires new content in critical areas, based on the dynamic needs of libraries. Accessing the EBSCOhost® platform for e-books and audiobooks saves librarians training time and adds a well-known search platform to the end user’s experience. Allowing end users to search for e-books and audiobooks along with their EBSCOhost database content improves the discoverability of library collections. Lowering the cost for libraries makes the decision to focus on or add to e-book and audiobook collections easier and more cost-effective.