Emerald Group Publishing, global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society, can now announce that 56.4 per cent of its indexed journal titles have increased in Impact Factor following the release of the 2013 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by Thomson Reuters.
Notable successes include Supply Chain Management, with a new Impact Factor of 2.916 bringing the journal into the top quartile of both the Business and Management subject categories. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education has moved into the top quartile of the Education and Educational Research subject categories. Further, two Emerald titles make their Impact Factor debut, namely Employee Relations and Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, with Impact Factors of 0.406 and 0.625 respectively.
Tony Roche, Publishing Director at Emerald comments, “We are pleased to see continuing positive progression in Emerald’s portfolio evidenced through Thomson Reuters’ 2013 JCR. This reflects the continuing great work of the authors, editors and reviewers with whom we partner. We will continue to chart progress of Emerald’s publications in the JCR across both science and social science citation indices, amongst a range of quality and esteem indicators at title and article level.”
Please visit the Impact Factors pageĀ for further results, http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/impact.htm