DE GRUYTER OPEN announced today partnership with the Serbian University of Kragujevac to publish the Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research as well as with the Medical University of Lublin, Poland, to provide professional publishing services from March 2014 for Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences and the Polish Journal of Public Health.
The new medicine journals, soon to be available on De Gruyter Online, provide insight into a broad spectrum of issues pertinent to medical professionals. They range in scope from primary research to clinical practice, covering topics from experimental medicine through organization and economics of health protection to pharmacology or biochemistry.
Jolanta Szymańska, Head of Publishing at Medical University of Lublin, says: “De Gruyter Open, who are recognized as supporters of scientific publishing and novel IT technologies, are a reliable publishing service provider that will increase the visibility of our publications. Thanks to the ease of use for readers, De Gruyter Open will promote increased usage and impact of our journals/articles and thus raise the citation index”.
Adds Prof. Vladimir Jakovljevic, Editor-in-Chief of the Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research: “Our goal is to increase visibility among authors and readers, hence the move to open access.”
All three journals will be published in the open access model. Their entire contents will be available free of charge to all users.