ScienceDirect now includes 25,000 science and technology books

Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced that ScienceDirect now includes 25,000 science and technology books. This increases the depth and breadth of Elsevier’s book content available on the platform. The 25,000th book published and added to the database is Fukushima Accident: Radioactivity Impact on the Environment by Pavel PovinecKatsumi Hirose and Michio Aoyama.

“We have always been proud of the quality of the foundational content we publish,” said Suzanne BeDell, Managing Director, Science and Technology Books at Elsevier. “Reaching this milestone demonstrates our commitment to bringing more in-depth new content to researchers to drive the advancement and application of science and technology.”

Fukushima Accident discusses the impact of the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident on the radioactivity of the total environment, as well as lessons learned on a global scale. Lead author, Dr. Pavel Povinec, is a professor of nuclear physics at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, From 1993 to 2005 he led the Radiometrics Laboratory of the International Atomic Energy Agency Environment Laboratories in Monaco. He has edited and contributed chapters to several other Elsevier books, and has published more than 250 Elsevier journal articles.

“I was very pleased to hear that Fukushima Accident is the 25,000th book available on ScienceDirect,” said Dr. Povinec. “My colleagues and I are frequent users of ScienceDirect for journal articles and books on topics such as environmental radioactivity and nuclear and particle physics. When choosing to publish the book with Elsevier, ScienceDirect was an important factor since we know many scientists rely on it for up-to-date information on developments in their fields.”

Fukushima Accident is available on ScienceDirect and also on the Elsevier Store. – See more at:,000-milestone#sthash.PdLEJ1rE.dpuf